Is there Urgency in your Dreams?

I love being surrounded by space, time, and ease in my life. In fact, I’ve been known to luxuriate and appear as if I have no concern in the world. It makes me smile to think that people see me this way and I am grateful for having a gift for enjoying life and living with faith.

The rest of the truth is that I used to also be quite impatient. When a desire showed up in my awareness, I wanted it NOW…if not yesterday.

The challenge with impatience is that it doesn’t create action towards dreams. It’s just a state of being unhappy and wishing things were different. It is an easy way to hide from fear or with excuses of why you can’t have, be, or do what you want.

Fortunately, I had an awakening around this piece, one that created fuel that I hadn’t felt before and I love it.

I’ve learned that it is important to find the urgency in material desires rather than hanging out in impatience. Without a sense of urgency there is little if any movement towards actual dreams.

I used to perceive urgency as a potential source of stress, anxiety, hurry, and lack of enjoyment or appreciation for the present. Looking at it that way, no wonder it felt uncomfortable! And there are plenty of examples of people who live this way.

My shift in perspective helped me realize that urgency also equals excitement, joy, passion, action, results, momentum, and an expanded life. Wow! That sure feels better, more spacious, more life creating. I like spending time with people who are in this mode (and I love having them as clients). There is no time for life wasting habits when there is a positive drive to creating a happier and better life.

Urgency arrives when something is deemed important. Holding our dreams in that light provokes us to change, take action and do what is necessary.

Do you treat your dreams as important or do you keep them hidden in some drawer of life where it’s best not to look too often for fear of disappointment?

Well, it may be high time for that drawer to be cleaned out. My simple suggestion is to either throw it out because it isn’t a true desire anymore or get on with it today, no matter how small the step (it can be a decision, which is a powerful step). Figure it out. And if you can’t figure it out, get an expert to help you.

Time waits for no man. And dreams that aren’t given life, wither.  Any nagging feeling inside is your soul continuously shining a light on that knowing that it’s time to take a look. Negative feelings are a clear signpost too. Fortunately, our soul will always speak up when our true needs aren’t being respected, telling us something isn’t quite right.

It may sound scary, but doesn’t have to be. It simply requires clearing through the clutter of negative emotion and taking conscious action. And yes, it often requires a shift in mindset that will rock your world.  It will show you that it’s time for you to hold your dreams front and centre and begin to care for them as much as you’ve cared for your fears, doubts, and obstacles. Yep, when we aren’t caring for our dreams, we are fueling something else with our attention, and it ain’t pretty. We cannot complain about neglect of children in the world when we do that very thing to ourselves. That is the change within. The better we are to ourselves, the better we are with others both consciously and energetically.

The funny thing is, once action is taken, everyone always wonders what took them so long and wonders what on earth they were waiting for. Cuz, it won’t come on its own! Nope. You’re the only one who has that power. And that is a good thing to have.

Jasjit Rai is a Life/Style Coach and Nia Teacher who helps people create fulfilling, healthy and successful lives, with joy as the foundation.

Is there Urgency in your Dreams?
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