Think Differently

“You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.” Albert Einstein

I sometimes wonder, ‘Did Einstein really say all those amazing quotes?’ I mean, come on, who is that smart and word-efficient?! And he didn’t even have twitter back then forcing him to only use 140 characters to say something clever! 😉

Back to his quote above – it makes sense, but…

How on Earth Do You Think from a ‘Different’ Level?

Let’s talk about you. Consider what’s most important to you right now. If you could have anything, what would it be? That ‘thing’ that would expand your life. What do you imagine bringing a fuller happiness and changing the game for you? Maybe the thing you fear you’ll never have?

Take a moment, feel it, and choose it as your focus while reading this blogpost. Once you’ve got it, continue reading

Notice how you have to step beyond your present life circumstances to imagine a desire. You have to go past what IS, to what could be, even in your mind’s eye. You have to become intimate with it and feel it as a part of you.

But too often we see what we want as “out there”, away from us, out of reach. We feel a separation and that causes pain. We fear the amount of work it may take and stay within our comfort zone instead of stretching, or we give up. Neither scenario supports us or stands up for us. We abandon ourselves in the process. And that creates shame, guilt, bitterness, fear, or a ho-hum life.

The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way. What you want is available to you.

So the real question is: Who are you being? The one who is getting what you want or not? The answer is evident by your results. When you change your way of being, you change your story.

When I moved to London, England years ago, I found a beautiful apartment within 3 days and a job within 2 weeks. And I’m certain that Simon LeBon, a heartthrob from my teen years walked past me (that was so terrifying that I missed the chance to say something, I guess I wasn’t ready to have that too!).

It wasn’t luck. It wasn’t a long list of powerful contacts. It wasn’t money. It was 100% what I’m referring to – I trusted that what I wanted was available to me and then took action. 90% of it was the shift within, 10% was what I physically did.

A willingness to quit my job, 1 plane ticket, 1 random contact, 2 circled newspaper ads. Bingo! Here it was. This after 6 months of making internal shifts… while living at my parents’ and getting ready to leave the job I had grown out of.

We must let go of old stories of who we think we are or have been told we are. We must travel outside what we know in order to have new experiences and results. We must begin to know this person that we are becoming and welcome her/him like a loved one we’ve been expecting all along.

When we get this, I mean really get this, we also get that which we were desiring. We become willing to change. We are willing to be uncomfortable in the process. We readily drop things that are in our way, whether they be negative thoughts or actual behaviours that prevent our desire coming to us.

We begin to expect our success. And we do what it takes.

I’ve had many people comment that what they valued most about working with me was the space I created for them to access their potential or their higher self so they could see it, feel it, and own it. Then they knew what to do. I can do this because I have done it for myself numerous times and with the aid of my own teachers.

The magic is in the space that is created for a person to become who they truly are. I do not claim or attempt to change anyone. It’s not required. My work is to support you in allowing what you want – the space to be, to exist, to come alive, and to guide and support your growth and shifts. This is the gift I was given.

The more open you are to your joy, your truth, your desire, the faster the results also show up. Again, the greater the willingness to change, the easier the shift. The more resistance there is to change, the longer it takes. Sometimes the work needs to be gentle and other times it needs to be done with speed and finesse.

So consider who you are being in relation to who you want to become, in relation to what you want in your life. Know that the two are already one in the same.

And do what it takes to get access to this part of “you” so that no more time is wasted in the small mind tinkering away yet getting nowhere. The right magic space also shifts that last word to “now_here”. 

Are you ready to have what you really want?

When the answer is “yes”, you’ll do what it takes.

The world is changing and there are more opportunities than ever to create a career, business, vision or life by your design. Go for it.

To your fullest expression,





Private Coaching

Jasjit Rai is a Life & Success Coach and Nia Black Belt Teacher. If you’d like to consider working with her privately to empower your dreams, you can contact her at Start the conversation and stand up for your dreams.

Think Differently
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