Do you Think or Feel Your Way Forward?

One of the most common challenges people who desire to change their life have is that they try to think their way through their questions, life, and challenges. They go into analytical mode. But it is a dead-end. It spouts out the same old thoughts and barriers for doing anything differently.

When we choose to feel our way forward, we notice nuances that say “yes” or “no” or “almost”. I had a beautiful massage yesterday and I noticed how quickly my body said, “that feels better” or “more pressure to the right”. There was no hesitation, no self-doubt. My body immediately knew what it needed to feel better.

Our life is the same, except we are taught to not listen to our own feelings. They may rock the boat. They may create dramatic change. They may create…success.

As I listen to my feelings, I like to begin gently. Leaning into them…often they are the whispering kind that say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if…”, “In my dreams I’d choose…”, “If I could do anything, I would…”.

Anytime I don’t feel happy or pleased about where I am in life, with deep longing I seek these wisps to show me the way home to my heart. Once there, everything improves. 

These initial wisps are the doorways to great ideas. They often need to be invited out. They need to know it’s safe and that you’re not going to bludgeon them upon view.

Speaking my desires out loud to someone who will respect them, no matter how outlandish they may seem, goes a long way in bringing them out. But it’s not easy to find that in a typical conversation. It’s a well-honed skill. It’s important to choose a person who has that skill AND is capable of dreaming bigger with you. (Tip: It’s no good if they have few desires or imagination of their own.)

When we listen to our feelings and have people who also listen and hear our truth, it won’t take so long meandering in the wilderness of “What do I really want?” because you’ll be busy achieving it.

Do you Think or Feel Your Way Forward?
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