Your Impact in the World

My brother lives and works in Paris, minutes from last week’s madness. There are atrocities all over, this was simply one that got the world’s attention. After a couple of hours of feeling the horror, he and his colleagues went on to do what they do – create animations, jokes, humour to entertain and educate children. That is their love, their passion, the way they make a difference in the world.

What to do when the world shakes? I am very much am in alignment with Gandhi’s words, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” More people quote it than live it. What does it mean to you? Asking deep questions is something that is required to live life. I suggest you make it personal.

For me, it means that it is my job to use and shine the gifts I’ve been given to create a better world in which people are uplifted and positively transformed through what I do and no one loses out in the process. If I’m not doing what I love, then for me, I’m not fully in my power. When I use excuses to play small, I suffer as do others because they are not receiving my abilities. When I take my eyes off my evolution, life flattens. Playing it safe wastes precious time.

The answer to the above challenges of living a meaningful life are not simplistic! But you will feel it in your guts when you are on your path. Otherwise you will feel busy, or bored, or still waiting for something other than you. Life may be ok, while mired with the usual challenges. There will be many ways for you to look the other way and deny your truth. Because in the West, we are privileged. And that is a gift. What isn’t ok is that we lose our hunger for a better world and sit in our comfort zones. What is freedom if we lock ourselves in our own prisons every day? Where do you shy away from who you are and what you want?

We need to get past the consciousness of just having enough because quite frankly, we have more.

BE conscious that you make an impact no matter what you do or don’t do. The results will just be different based on how much of you you are willing to extend to others, how much of you you are willing to challenge so you can grow, how much of you you are willing to expose so something greater can be born. What is stopping you and what will you do about it?

Your Impact in the World
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