When Nothing Short of Transformation Will Do

You must be alert to that moment when you have to act in a new way, when the old is no longer ok. This internal urgency is telling you that there is a whole lot of power and energy available to you and it must be used or it will stagnate. Or worse, it will create drama or problems rather than what it was meant for. Take notice.

It may feel like you’ve come to the edge, the edge of what was and what is to be. Recognize what’s happening.

What are you “done with“? Where in your work or life are you saying, “Enough is enough“? If you’re really done, you’ll feel that urgency and look for action to take, even if you don’t know what it is. Everything inside of you will be alert to a new possibility which is what begins to attracts new opportunities.

You have to get bolder. That boldness is an energy state within. It doesn’t mean reckless attention-seeking efforts. True boldness recognizes the pressure inside being  built and expresses it consciously towards your true desire.

People in this state are the ones I love to work with. They are ready and willing for new results. Their desire is strong enough that it finally has the possibility to blast through old thought patterns and paradigms that have kept them in a much smaller box than which they are designed to play. Their mind is finally open and available to their own capability and power. This is transformation. Anything less than that won’t cut it.

Transformation is NOT taking another course, getting another certification, listening to more webinars, or passively sitting in an audience that seeks more information. Information is cheap and the masses get blinded by this because it is always shown as a magic pill, “Just learn this and you’ll be able to get...”.

True transformation requires a new commitment. Commitment of your focus, time, energy, investment, and most importantly showing up in your unique expression. It means getting true with yourself and going for what it is that you’d love to have/do/be. It means not making it smaller than it is or dumbing it down so it seems “realistic”. That just kills the energy.

You have to give up things on the way to getting results too, the things that drag you down. Transformation requires your full presence. It must go beyond what feels comfortable. And there are succinct times in our lives when any effort less than a transformation will literally be useless. In fact, it will be a waste of time, energy, money because it won’t take you across the finish line that you are meant to cross. So, know when it’s time.

Most people have to be pushed by life to that edge where they have to take completely different action rather than be drawn to it. It actually doesn’t matter how it comes about, even though I’m a strong advocate of creating positive change rather than waiting for it to happen “to you”! The only way to do so is to stay aware of inner feelings and nudges.

What is calling you? Where are your talents and skills deeply desired right now? And by whom? What would be possible is you allowed yourself to bring out more of you? What projects, ventures, opportunities would bring out the genius in you?

If you’re truly at the place of urgency when transformation is the only path you desire, you’ve got to trust the answers that come. You’ll have to widen your awareness to look beyond your current circumstances. You’ll have to trust the unknown and take one step at a time in the right direction, where your heart is waiting for you. When you do, the next will appear. Stay with it.

This path is one of mastery. With self-mastery, anything is possible. That ‘anything’ will be your unique design, offering, purpose. It doesn’t belong to anyone else. It was planted within you which is why it is your choice, and only your choice whether to go for it or not. And it is far more fun than you may even understand until you truly let go of the past (which may mean last week) and commit to a brighter future.

Choose transformation and save years of not getting what you want. Transformation expands life.

Jasjit Rai is a Success and Life Coach who works with people ready to step into their greatness, their joy, and their success. Entrepreneurs and creatives are drawn to her style of enthusiastic focus mixed with practicality and infused with a miracle mindset. To receive her blogposts and event information, go tohttp://eepurl.com/cuC1L. And if you are at that point of transformational urgency, request a private and free consultation to explore working together.

When Nothing Short of Transformation Will Do
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