The Power of Human

Why does technology keep moving and changing so much?  Is it to make our lives better or is it to sell us something?  Or perhaps to prove it can be done. While I appreciate things like smartphones and the Internet, I truly question whether there is much benefit. In fact, technology often bores me.  I miss making an appointment over the phone with someone and sticking to it, instead of constantly emailing/voicemailing to check in and confirm.  Everything felt simpler before. Now it seems to take ten times the communication.  Having a two-way phone conversation used to be a complete process, rather than the current one-way emailing that goes back and forth. And why do I need to find smart or whitty things to say in 140 characters to people I don’t know on the Internet. How many actually care?

When I was young, I never liked shows about being in space.  They all seemed to rely far too much on gadgets and far less on the human connection. They showed the earth as having been blown up or messed up somehow, making it necessary to live in a metal flying object.  Ironically, the message in such shows was mostly centred around the value of the human connection and life.  Meanwhile, technology keeps growing and taking attention and fewer children play outdoors as they did twenty years ago.

I’m one of those people that really believes it’s far more exciting and powerful to engage with our human selves, to develop our capabilities.  Wouldn’t it be more worthwhile to be able to handle complex calculations in your head rather than depend on a calculator? Wouldn’t it be cooler to be able to achieve physical feats without the use of equipment, the perfect sneakers, or steroids for that matter.  Wouldn’t it be more magical to go through a day and be sharp and present without filling up on caffeine? And wouldn’t it be worthwhile to feel emotions about real life without having to watch a movie?

Imagine life with the power centred in you rather than things you are so dependant upon.  The human body, mind, and spirit are fascinating.  The spiritual leaders made the utmost use of these and through that, they did move mountains.  Let’s choose to look inside ourselves and develop our true power and use it to make real and positive change in our world.

The Power of Human
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2 thoughts on “The Power of Human

  • July 8, 2010 at 1:55 pm

    Wow, powerful comments Jas. Loved them. You’re making so much sense in such a strange world. Thank you.

  • July 8, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    As you know, I completely agree. I like what you say about those movies focusing on the human connection. I was once asked in a modern lit class what I believed the meaning of life was. I said “relationships.” Someone laughed at me and I felt silly, but now more than ever I believe that to be true.


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