Shine Forth and Dive into your Emotions

Nia Break, Amazing People, A Canadian Film,
Diving into your Emotions, VIP Days in L.A.


Break on Mar 25/30. Spring term begins in April!

Meeting Amazing People

Meeting some rather cool, talented, thoughtful people is one of the incredible benefits of the work I do. The interest in growth, expression, and bringing their best to the world is a given if they’ve landed on my door – which includes most of you (some I still look forward to meeting one day soon!). So I’m delighted to help promote a Canadian film that stars one of my Nia students from a few years back, Jennifer Spence. Go check it out this week.

Down River – click here for info/tix
won the Audience Award for “Most Popular Canadian Film” at the Vancouver International Film Festival and was named “Best BC Film” by the Vancouver Film Critics Circle.

Diving into Your Emotions

The mind alone cannot change anything. We can study and analyze a problem all we want, but until we are emotionally driven to do something about it – all we see is the same old reflection. But when we accept that something simply cannot continue as it is and make a commitment to changing it, we develop our freedom.” Christine Delorey

Really ponder this quote. This is why I refer to dreams and desires so much – they are what pulls us out of the rubble of day to day stresses and responsibilities and keeps our heart beating. It’s not to ignore what needs taking care of, it’s about lifting ourselves above so we can also feel the joy of the journey and be who we really are.

Most people get on a path and keep going, forgetting they can change paths. Some people have questioned the variety of things I have done in my career, not aware that each piece is connected and a natural expression. They’re just used to doing one thing and one thing only – which is also totally ok if they choose it.

Consider how Steve Jobs took a class in calligraphy which helped create designer fonts for the Mac. If we allow ourselves, our talents can merge in ways we never imagined and in ways that totally delight us. But, you have to stop listening to the voices that cajole or threaten and listen to the voice of Truth inside. Who cares what others think? Free yourself. That’s the only way to fly higher than you even thought of reaching.

The City of Angels

I just booked my flight to L.A and feel uber excited.Working with my mentor, hanging out with one of my best friends, and enjoying the LA scene, well, it’ll be…exquisite. And you’re invited!

If you find yourself at a point where you are interested in making changes to design your life around your true desires, then consider booking a VIP Day with me in LA. on Mar 30 or Apr 1.

The day can be devoted to helping you dream and create a map of your desires OR we can go right into strategy if you know what you want . I’ll just have spent 3 days learning from my mentor so you’ll get that extra ‘juice’ surrounded by the LA fun, glamour, and sun. How can you make it happen? Perhaps you have air miles or a friend to stay with – just imagine…contact me if you feel called. A lot can happen when you take the time for your most important needs.

I’ll have space for 3 VIP days in Vancouver in April, so that’s an option too if you want to stay on home turf – or for those of you for whom Vancouver is an exciting destination.

begin the journey to be you fully

Shine Forth and Dive into your Emotions

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