Shifting your Beliefs

Sharing an experience from last weekend that shows how a shift in perception creates immediate results. This is from an inner battle between heart and mind I was going through.

I chose to go with my heart and OPEN my mind further. Even when my mind was convincing me of the “right” thing to do, I was aware enough that THERE WAS CONVINCING going on, so I knew I wasn’t in alignment. The thing is when something is in the heart, it doesn’t easily let go, right? And that’s for a good reason. I kept listening and seeking a response I PREFERRED.

I re-aligned to my truth without worrying about how or what to do. Then, a series of events unfolded the very next day leading me to new conversations and actions and beliefs. I shifted my perception about a belief I had held for a long time – this was huge for me. This belief WAS conscious. I CHOSE it, because I saw it as good – which is why we hold onto limiting beliefs – a part of us actually thinks they are BEST. But this day, I began to see that just maybe, I could change it, that maybe it wouldn’t be out of integrity as I had mistakenly thought. This willingness created more space.

You see, you can either stick with old beliefs and pray for something different to happen (even after years of that not being the case) OR you can be willing to change yourself from within. The only way you will change is by stepping into your INTEGRITY, not by forcing yourself to think differently, but by understanding through greater awareness.

As a result of my willingness to open my mind, I took a small action in the direction I wanted to go without any thought on where it would take me. And it’s like the doors flung open before the day was over. Whoah! Don’t I often talk about speed when there’s alignment?

I cannot explain this in some mechanical step by step process that will solve all your problems, or I would gladly. This is where a deeper conscious discussion is often necessary so that the right key can be found to unlock what you are so ready to unlock. That is what shifted me. It blew me away.

Be willing to be taken to your own truth, not only will you begin having better results, you will learn how to navigate through the tricky experiences, seeing life and business as much more magical and working on your behalf than you likely do. And you will find yourself feeling more able to affect your own future, because you actually do, every day.

So, if you’re in a place where you’d like to receive my personal support in navigating your current results, you’re invited to request a time for such a conversation. This month marks my 17th year in business, and I’m making it a goal to support and guide as many people as I can to breakthrough to their greatness.

Shifting your Beliefs

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