She Dared to Change

There was so much more she wanted to do, but she didn’t know if she could handle it. She’d tried before and failed or so it felt. She’d stretched herself to the point of breaking. So she’d backed away to take care of herself. It was the right thing to do.

But now, having recuperated from her burnout, gathered her strength again, she realized that she was not fully where she wanted to be. The fear of taking another go scared her.

Yet, another part of her felt vibrant, full of ideas and passion waiting to be expressed and brought to life. That life felt SO real. If she didn’t honour it, what would happen? There would be that constant “what if?” growing within, creating a slow frustration, disappointment, perhaps bitterness if not watched. It was already bubbling on occasion, and seeping into parts of her life, her relationships, and emotional world.

In her bright moments she could feel the healthy inner fire, that which prompted her to risk so many times and show up. It had a vitality in it.

Sure there were ups and downs – but it was alive. It was full of LIFE, her expression, her joy. It was why she was here.

She looked within. She was clearer and stronger now. She knew what called to her and she knew it was real. It was time to really trust.

Time to move through that final piece that had kept her back, not fulfilling what she’d started. She knew there were things to understand that would create that shift.

Imagining the other side, she could see the fuller picture, what was waiting and asking her to move through. Her vision wasn’t over. It just needed some more kindling and strength building. And now, as she realized the impact she could make, she was going to do what it took.

But this time, she was going to allow herself full care, full pleasure, full joy…an abundance beyond.

Everything she needed, she was going to ask for and receive.

This was the right and only way forward. Full execution to her goals.

She pressed ‘send’, ready to get the support and guidance she required. It felt easier already.

…and that’s when our journey to work together began.


*Inspired by a client’s process to decide to work together to create her self-realized life and business.

Jasjit Rai is a Life & Success Coach, guiding people to be their unique selves and create from a state of higher creativity, inspired action, and potent desire, bringing their ideas into form and reality.

She Dared to Change

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