1200 Likes for Quitting a Job

I recently saw a post by a woman in her late 50s who was announcing that she left her job to start a business. There were more than 1200 likes in a couple of hours! This shows how much people felt her courage and wanted to celebrate her for it. So many dreams that people have, and a few, relatively speaking, go for them. We all know what keeps people from not taking action.

The real question is what allows action, freedom, joy, and your spirit to actually lead you to a greater life? It has to be a vision that excites and compels you. You have to hold strong to what you will gain by having your dreams come true. I always say, there will be challenges, no matter what you do – but, if your vision isn’t causing you to burst into a gigantic smile, then it isn’t big enough and the challenges along the way will be felt like thorns on a rose bush.

In the past, I had a couple of jobs with environments that I’d call mildly toxic (probably considered normal to many) and that was not ok for me, even though the material rewards were good. I didn’t feel that my gifts and talents were seen and desired. What a waste. The cost to the soul is far too much. When I left them, it took a while to catch my breath – I can only imagine it’s like the rehab time after an addiction. The pain is felt once you let go and then you realize what you’ve been really allowing into your system.

I thrive in highly positive places, as I know you do, because you’re human. Be supported, encouraged by healthy and brave people and you will bring out your best. The bar has to be set high enough.

Is there something you’re living that’s not healthy, positive, leading in the right direction? And are you talented, capable, willing to make a move, and live your life? If you’re serious about it, feel free to get in touch and we’ll have a conversation to support your shift. Your eyes can glow amidst difficulty, and your smile is best when genuinely felt.

By taking the right soul-guided turns, I got to work my own schedule for the last 16 yrs, travel the world, study and work overseas, share my gifts, live a beautiful lifestyle in the centre of one of the most beautiful cities in the world, buy a stylish half million dollar 2 storey loft, and keep my health vibrant and my creativity flourishing. I didn’t start yesterday. I’ve been living this path and have managed the twists and turns consistently. I love to support ambitious people who like to dream their truth into reality.

1200 Likes for Quitting a Job
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One thought on “1200 Likes for Quitting a Job

  • August 14, 2015 at 9:59 am

    Dream your truth into reality…the only way to go and fulfill your potential. Let go of all the negatives and embrace fulfillment!


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