Find Freedom by Releasing Judgment


I’ve been wanting to write for weeks but some how never get past the first few paragraphs, often finding myself going off on tangents and losing my focus. So I let go and try again and then again.

This is the nature of creativity and of personal change itself. We make attempts, some of which go nowhere until we find the one that works.

Do you quit in your failed attempts? And do you judge yourself for not finding a solution immediately? This is one of the biggest reasons for people staying far from what they really want.  Judgment of themselves along with assumptions about the way it “should” be stops them.

When I’m in that place, it’s like carrying the heaviest of burdens and my energy drops quickly. It’s seductive to hang out in judgment. It’s something most people know and so it easily gains momentum. Isn’t judging yourself/others/the situation easier than doing that which you really need or want to do?  Isn’t it temporarily more satisfying than doing the work needed to create positive changes? Doesn’t it feed a part of you that wants attention?

Sigh. Yes.

However, I know…

I prefer lightness to heaviness. I prefer joy to negativity. I prefer moving forward to being stuck.  And I bet that you do too. There is hope and it exists in becoming aware and learning to choose differently. So imagine the following:

What if you could let go of judgment?  Seriously.  Imagine having none of that in your way anymore? Stay here a moment and sense it.

How does it feel?

How will this version of you act differently?

Here’s my challenge to you: every time you notice yourself judging you/another/a situation in the coming week, stop in your thought tracks and do a u-turn. Resist the temptation to continue the thought.

And if you need something to do instead, here are some suggestions:

  • notice your breathing
  • notice your environment
  • think a better feeling thought
  • feel compassion

…and then (not a moment sooner) launch into what it is that you do want to focus on.

tip:  if a week seems too ambitious, practice for a day at a time or a few hours at a time.

Good luck.  I look forward to hearing your results!

Find Freedom by Releasing Judgment
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