Dreaming through the World Wide Web

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So much is at our fingertips these days, it’s enough to forget how recent a phenomenon this is…and…that it contains power.  Admittedly, I take much time to jump on any bandwagon that requires technology.  In fact, I avoided surfing the net for years.  I only got hooked just over a year ago (fortunately still a mild case compared to most).

My search was for reading material, one of my favourite pastimes, and it was too late to go to the library (why aren’t they open 24/7?) or a bookstore. Desperate to read what I wanted, I searched on the web and, lo and behold, found people writing what I like to read!

Prior to that, I’d been afraid that the worldwide web would keep me from real life and I’d lose countless hours as countless internet addicts had claimed. Eventually, though, my need to find what I wanted pushed me in.

I was amazed.  I could access what I wanted late at night when the world around me was asleep and I finally had downtime!  Now, that was worthwhile. So my journey began. For some time, I limited my forays to desires for knowledge, when it was too late to make a phone call or physically go in search of what I wanted.

However one year ago, for the first time, I accessed the internet for escape. I was awfully stressed and couldn’t find my way out of my thoughts and feelings. Desperate to change my state, a thought occurred to use the internet to dream.  So I began googling one of my interests, simply to divert my thinking and play the “what if” game.  (I love the “what if” game, always have.  What if I had oodles of money?  What if I could travel the world? What if I could do anything I wanted?)

My eyes landed on a page.  My heart stopped pounding. Everything inside of me relaxed.  My eyes softened and got a little wet. I breathed in the page for at least half an hour. I felt hope. I felt love. I let it nourish me. I let it feed me. I didn’t even want to blink. I felt safe again, knowing that my dreams could come true and there were other people who wanted to play in a similar world and who had already created it. I could choose what I wanted.

What was I looking at?  The details aren’t important in this story at this time. What I will tell you was that the photographs included creatively designed buildings (I love design). One space was all pink and orange inside, the two colours I love together more than any other combination. So there I sat, staring at them and thinking that there was someone who designed this place and there are people who work in it today, loving things I love (not only back in the 60s in some psychedelic bus). It exists now! And it was beautiful, happy, and deliciously playful. It saved me.

This trip brought me back to dreaming my life at a moment when I had gotten lost in some  dark place, having forgotten the possibilities available.  I didn’t need to be there or take any action in that moment.  I just wanted to sit with it, knowing it existed.  But, as things happen when we locate our love, our meaning, our desire, a few months later, I actually went to one of the places on that site.  The trip came about quite last minute without any planning (and was paid for by a dear person since I didn’t have the funds at the time). That is manifestation!

Do you need to get lost in something you deeply love? Have you lost your lust for life?  Do you need to remember what moves you? Do you need to release stress and surrender to your heart’s deepest desires? The journey can begin at your fingertips.

Often when we’re in the state I described, we don’t have the energy to take any big action. Our mind might be fuzzy, our body moping, our emotions sullen and our spirit forgotten. A tiny step may be all that we can muster. This tiny step is profound, for it can change everything. It helps us take our power back from where we misplaced it.

The worldwide web is a tool, one that can be wasted or one that can be harnessed to help us create.

The web allows us to prepare, to get ready emotionally and mentally, before any action need be taken. Some dreams are scary because we want them so much and we barely dare thinking about them for the fear of them coming true. The web allows you to sit with your vision, plan it out, look at pictures of it, read about it, and imagine yourself there, all the while, sitting on your favourite sofa. Take action or don’t take action, but do revel in your dreams. Imagination is powerful. It is the spark that lights the fire and creates energy. It is so necessary in today’s world. It is necessary in your life as it is in mine. It is the way forward.

Now, don’t be surprised if you end up smack dab in the middle of your dreams through this process – whether you proceed innocently or intentionally.  Just be playful and your guidance will arrive with incredible ease, as will the miracles and fulfillment.

Dreaming through the World Wide Web
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