Coaching – the Best Investment Ever

I was so delighted to receive an email from a woman I’ve been coaching for a couple of months letting me know that she got the job she wanted. Here’s the process she went through! 

The Beginning

Her perceived challenges when we began: in her 50s and had been self-employed for years, hadn’t had an interview for a long long time, from another country and slightly concerned about fitting it and her accent, felt very uncomfortable with self-promotion, lacked confidence in her ability and felt like she’d be lucky to get something, thinking she’d have to squeeze into a ‘less-than’ opportunity in order to land something.

My perception of her: talented smart capable woman, strong career experience, needs a place where she can shine, needs to go for what she’s capable of instead of fitting into something too small for her real ability, enthusiastic and passionate about doing well at work and wanting to be part of a team.

The Process

Why did you decide to seek coaching?

I felt as I was sitting in a “mind cage”, needed somebody to help me to find my path. Friends are not the right people for such a search, neither is my husband, so the solution was to work with somebody professional.

What made you choose to work with Jasjit? 

Because I knew her and trust her.

What are the main ways that coaching supported you to meet your goal(s)?

1. Clarify the vision and direction for me

2. Clearing my mindset, realizing fears, doubts, insecurities

3. Stay focused after finding out about the path to go

4. Support the steps 

5. Upgrade my skills in application writing, resume, description of skills especially for the industry I wanted to work in

While every client is different, her process was as follows: month 1 – gaining confidence and clarity, month 2 – researching and developing momentum, month 3 – going for it, practical steps (letters, resume, interviewing).

How would you describe working with Jasjit? 

Dedicated, passionate and very, very supportive. Always friendly, always patient.


The Result

What were the results?

I applied to one company I wanted to work for (there was no official employment ad) and they hired me. I feel very happy it went so easy, however, I was prepared for a rejection and continuing my search!

Do you look at life differently in any way now than before the coaching?

Before the coaching I felt very insecure about my skills, especially the so-called soft ones. Now I have been hired because of my ability to deal with conflicts, not because I know the industry. The coaching helped a lot to develop confidence about the soft skills and the ability to rely on that confidence.

Best investment I ever made!



I know how many people are in a place where they need this real kind of support and guidance and they keep putting it off, hoping to reach what they want alone while time goes by. I know Susanne has been procrastinating for many months before she finally wrote to me and requested a consultation to see if I could guide her. We’re both so glad she did. She received the offer letter this past week and is booked to begin soon.

What made her get results so ‘easily’? A willingness to focus on her true goal and stay with it. A clear determination and the humility to receive guidance that she needed for her success and happiness. Meanwhile, she is also able to have space for her freelance writing work that she loves.

Want to explore working with me? Contact me today and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

Coaching – the Best Investment Ever

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