Clean your Inner Pipes and Get Unstuck

Recently I was asked to write a blogpost on, “How does one get unstuck when one isn’t ready or able/willing to hire a coach?” The first part is an important question when you are feeling stuck. The second part had me chuckle and offer an analogy.

We all know that the first step is awareness. Recognizing that you are are stuck or in a rut or just plain scared to make any move out of fear that things won’t work out is acknowledging where you are sitting. You can choose to sit there if you prefer.

If that doesn’t sit right with you, then you know that action is the other option. The more consistent this action, the sooner you will be in a new place, one of motion. There are many techniques people use. Here are 3 key ones to getting started.

  1. Make a decision and commitment to get unstuck and in motion again (without this, it’ll stay the same).
  2. Change your thoughts to ones that support you and practice repetitively while feeling them.
  3. Do anything. Take an action towards what you want. And then another…and so on. Leave the results up to the Universe, God, whomever you bow down to. That part isn’t your ‘business’.

In relation to the 2nd comment in the question – that the person wasn’t willing to hire a coach, I wondered why?  Many people cite money as the excuse, however when we want a result, we will spend money on it. Or if we think we lack time, we will make time for that which is a priority.

So I came up with an analogy.

What would you do if the pipes in your home were completely clogged? Would you be reading articles on why they may be clogged or would you go and hire a plumber at whatever cost to get things moving?

This is the same with ourselves. Stuckness is caused by beliefs suggesting you have no choice and things can only be a certain way. Or the beliefs spell doom and failure and gosh, who in their right mind would step forward if all they can see is a minefield?

Essentially, the mind gets clogged with thoughts that creates limitation unless one is fervently clearing oneself. As long as  you continue believing negative and disempowering ideas, nothing changes. You have set yourself up for failure.

A thought must shift inside you. An opening must occur. A willingness to change oneself must intiate movement (“Be the change” means the person must change inside. This begins with making the decision to change.)

  • So, what if you could have what you want?  
  • What if success and joy are waiting for you to wake up to them?
  • What if getting help was what you are meant to do to?
  • What if getting support felt good and created results?

If you can do ‘surgery’ on yourself to remove the limiting and negative thought patterns and replace them with healthy ones that allow you to move forward, then you will be stuck no longer. In fact, you wouldn’t be reading this article.

Otherwise help is critical. Why wouldn’t you allow yourself that help?  Do you spend the time or money to get a plumber, a doctor, a computer technician, or whatever specialist you need? And if so, don’t you do it because you can’t afford to spend more time and more money figuring it out yourself?

Make the decision to get in motion. Make the decision to live better, be supported, experience progress, and be in charge of your happiness. You deserve that.

Jasjit Rai is a transformation coach, Nia Black Belt, and personal stylist. Find out more at 

Clean your Inner Pipes and Get Unstuck

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