Every once in a while, it is important to leave your usual surroundings and check out a different place. I consider this essential in maintaining health. Recently, it dawned on my that I haven’t been taking real breaks during the week. I’m usually ‘on’, whether that’s by checking emails, thinking of my business, or looking for ideas and inspiration.

The best way for me to get away has often been by leaving my usual scene. This leaving can happen for an afternoon, a day trip, or longer. It really has to be away from my neighbourhood, and when possible, outside the city, and for the purpose of leisure. Staying at home keeps me wrapped up in the energy of my responsibilities. Stepping away gives me space, releases burdens, brings back innocence, and gives me a much needed break. How often do you take a whole day off? What gives you that feeling of stepping away where you are yourself and do not think of what needs to be done? I’m not talking about getting caught in what you love (as that could be about work), but really being away?
The other night I read this adorable little book by Janet Hobbs, full of spiritual insights and life lessons. It commented on how once we become adults, it’s like we are on a roller coaster that won’t stop. Sound scary? It can be! Do you feel like you’re on such a roller coaster and you just want to get off and catch your breath for a while? If so, go ahead, take a day off and simply enjoy the pleasures of life by getting away.
That’s what I did yesterday by going to Seattle and why I didn’t write my usual Thursday post. It was good. And this morning, I actually looked forward to getting caught up in my work!