Your body talks to you all the time. Do you listen? Or do you bypass it with your mind’s thoughts, your ‘shoulds’, your goals, and to do lists? While I fall into this trap just like everyone else, I also know, at a deep level, that all the stuff in the way is simply like a fog keeping things unclear and confusing while the truth lies within.
Why not begin your day aware of your body? Imagine waking up every morning and doing a simple body check-in. It could go like this…
- Notice what you notice first – your mental thoughts? your physical self? your emotions?
- What do I sense in my body (bones, muscles, skin…)?
- What am I aware of energetically (if you’re familiar with the chakras, you could check in on them)?
- How do I feel? (acknowledge emotions, accept for the moment)
- How do I want to feel? (opportunity to shift if desired, visualize and replace current feeling with what you want, feel that)
- Do I need a stretch, turn, wiggle, touch, kiss, hug, or smile as I wake up?
And then roll naturally out of bed and sense as your feet touch the floor. Cherish that ability. Then step consciously into a new day of your creation.
Warning: Three minutes maximum (otherwise you may fall back asleep like I can!). So…simply sense, touch, feel, and move.