Create Time and Space for You

This year for the first time I created a weekly schedule. That may sound crazy to announce it was my first time (there were attempts but never commitment). The thing is school or a job naturally created a schedule in my younger years. I noticed I never minded school schedules, but the 9 to 5 didn’t suit me.

When I became self-employed in 1999, I literally threw schedules out of the window, like a child running off to summer break. Instead I created a daily to-do list and travelled by that. I also had deadlines for my consulting projects (most often created by me instead of the company interestingly). My Nia classes also provided a fun rhythm to my weeks. As simple as it was, Nia really helped when working on my own. I knew I’d be replenished regularly through my movement practice.

Now I’m at a different place and decided to bring forth the schedule to see if it could be helpful. And to my amazement it is!

What’s different now?
2 very important details.
First, I was advised to first fill in my personal needs and desires. For example, self-care or things which make  me happy. So in went time for a walk, journalling, Nia, dream time, and social time. Then I began to fill the schedule with other repeating activities such as coaching, emails, meetings, study, home chores, etc.
Lesson 1:  
No being frugal with self-care. Really listen and choose what you need to be healthy, happy, and thereby, productive. Trust that everything will fit in.

Secondly, when I get up in the morning, I go to my schedule. It tells me how much time I have for emails, coaching, business development, study, and even grocery and home chores.

The first time I looked at it, something in me totally relaxed as I felt the magic of this container. I knew where I had to be, what I was doing, and didn’t waste time flip-flopping choosing where to start (I often didn’t like what I had written down)!

Lesson 2:  
Allow yourself to sink in to whatever you’ve chosen in your schedule. (Even if you work 9 to 5, you likely have some leeway to schedule your activities.) Here is where the joy and love reside.

The list-creating often had me struggling to choose what to do first and feel frustrated if I didn’t accomplish everything or procrastinated, as I often did. Now my schedule gives me blocks of time and has my self-care included with my work. 

ResultIt is holistic. It takes care of all of me. It honours my life and energy cycles.

No feeling guilty that I’m going for an hour’s walk because my work time is also scheduled and I’ll get to it when it’s time. And I’ll be happier for it!

My schedule may change over time. And some days I may not follow it exactly. However I’ll know to simply shift my blocks around (just like a kid with building blocks!) so my priorities are completed.

This is such a relief and now, an amazing tool. I feel more on track, focused, and most importantly, cared for.

Try it. Create your own (by week, from whenever you wake up to when you go to sleep) and print it out (can likely google one too)!  So useful to have a tangible version so you don’t ‘forget’ to look at it. 

And let me know how it goes.

Jasjit Rai is a transformational coach, Nia Black Belt teacher and personal stylist. Receive her blogposts, tips, and inspiration by subscribing at

Create Time and Space for You

4 thoughts on “Create Time and Space for You

  • February 1, 2014 at 1:06 am

    Great post as always Jasjit. I wonder what your wisdom would be on how one can become “unstuck”…and yes, I know there is coaching, but for those who can’t or don’t wish to consider coaching at this time, it would be great to receive some general insights on what you would suggest to someone who feels stuck, for whatever reason (a reason he/she may not be aware of) and how to move past that “stuckness”. Just a thought for a future blog idea, should you decide to accept this mission; if not, no worries.

    • February 3, 2014 at 8:55 pm

      I have written blogposts on the subject. Here are 2 you can check out: and

      However I’d like you to consider an analogy. What would you do if the pipes in your home were completely clogged? Would your 1st step be to read articles on why they may be clogged or would you go and hire a plumber at whatever cost to get things moving? This is the same with ourselves. Stuckness is caused by beliefs suggesting you have no choice and things can only be a certain way. Essentially, the mind is clogged with thoughts that creates limitation. As long as the person continues believing these, nothing changes. The thought must shift. An opening must occur. A willingness to change oneself must intiate movement (“Be the change” means the person must change inside.) If you can do that ‘surgery’ yourself to remove the limiting and negative thought patterns and replace them with healthy ones that allow you to move forward, then you will be stuck no longer. Otherwise help is critical. Why wouldn’t you allow yourself that help? Why struggle alone when there are solutions available? Maybe I will place this into a blog 🙂

      • February 4, 2014 at 3:54 am

        Thank you for sharing. Love your metaphors!

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