Is your Life Repeating Itself?

Groundhog Day – Haven’t I been here before?

If you haven’t watched the movie, “Groundhog Day”, I encourage you to google it or better yet, watch it. {Feb 2 happens to be Groundhog Day – predicting the weather to come}

The first time I saw the movie, I was on a plane half-asleep, occasionally opening my eyes to watch what looked like the same scene being repeated over and over again. Was I dreaming or was there a technical error? I had no idea, being half-sleep as I was!! The irony was that my experience was mirroring the movie! My feeling was one of being completely annoyed and irritated to see the same thing over and over again…akin to the main character’s time warp experience.

When I finally saw it fully awake, I was impressed. It hit upon a major point about the way most of us live – in the same way, repeatedly. Might it be your story too? Read on.

  • Does your life feel like it’s recycling the same story in different forms..perhaps with different people, jobs, or even as you change locations and move?
  • Do you keep asking yourself the same questions to find no new answers?
  • Have you stopped asking yourself what you really want in the present?
  • Do you continue to make efforts to create change only to be dissatisfied or plunge back to the familiar?
  • Do you experience ongoing crises, solve one and another shows up?
  • If so, you may be living a version of the movie, “Groundhog Day”.

In fact, most people live like this and don’t know it. In the movie, the character eventually learns the source of his problems. As he changes himself, his perceptions, his actions…his life changes. He begins to date a woman who would’ve never given him the time of day before and his job and life become fulfilling.

His life shifts because he does the work to shift inside. He makes his happiness count. He chooses to finally believe in himself. He steps in to become the man he would be proud to be. He stops acting like a victim.

He opens to getting what he wants most and realizes it wants him too.

What stories are repeating far too long in your life or in your career that are past their due date? I constantly say that life is meant to evolve. When we don’t, we repeat the same old, and the same results keep arising. We wonder why. Those who sit in “comfortable” lives are most likely to suffer from this malady. They fear risk. They fear change because they have it “good” or, at least far too familiar.

It takes an inner decision to get out of your old comfort zone and forge ahead to what you want in the present. It often requires you to look past your world to what is possible and available if you would just venture out and trust yourself.

This isn’t easy unless you are compelled within or often, forced through unfortunate circumstance.

If this sounds like you and you desire to stop a version of Groundhog Day becoming your life, I invite you to look at coaching. Living life assuming you’ll figure it out eventually just isn’t good enough. (if you have kids – you can ask, would that kind of life be good enough for them? I can see parents shaking their heads! If you live this way, your children will most likely repeat what they see. It will seem natural.)

Become an active co-creator. Vow to get serious so you can be more joyful.

Apply for a free Coaching Consultation today:
Life is valuable. Live it fully. Time is precious.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn’t I get *that* day over, and over, and over…”  Phil, “Groundhog Day”

What is on “repeat”? Apply for a free consultation and we’ll book a time to talk this week and get you out of a cycle that has you spinning without positive change.

Is your Life Repeating Itself?
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