Are you Open to Receiving?

It is said that luck is the coming together of opportunity and preparation. Opportunities are ALWAYS showing up for us in the form of an idea, an offer, a connection, a new plan…

Many people are not prepared to receive. They are caught in busyness, confusion, overwhelm, ignorance, negative thoughts, or various distractions that keep them away from what they say they want. I will share a few specific examples.

Last year, I reached out to a few people to offer something. People these days don’t always seem to return calls/emails in a timely fashion, if at all. It’s a shame. Real opportunities are being lost in the process, along with the human gift of connection.

Let me share examples of situations of opportunities lost:

  • I left a message for an old friend who I hadn’t spoken to in a while, knowing that someone she had a fondness for years ago was now single and available. She hasn’t called back.
  • A potential client was desperate for work and money. She couldn’t afford coaching although she knew she needed it. I heard of a short-term contract and sent her an email to see where she was at since her next step was to find work. She didn’t reply.
  • I called a potential client when I was offering a “crazy package price” to meet my first coaching certification deadline, knowing they couldn’t afford my regular rates. The person took a month to call back by which time my rate was back to normal.

Now, to be clear, I did not explain the details in my voicemails. I thought our rapport was enough to hear from them! Guess I was wrong. I wanted to first re-connect with the person to know if they were still interested or available. I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time or link people up to things that aren’t a match. My reaching out was exclusive to them.

If I’m referring someone to a potential offer, job, or mate…I want to ensure that it is a “good” referral!  Today I happen to have a great job lead on my desk…wonder who will be a match?

Do you close yourself off in some way? Do you disconnect from people who care for you, may be able to help, or simply be there? Do you hide from the world when you need to reach out? Do you try to do it all yourself? Check in and get truthful.

When we are clear on what we want, take action, believe it’s available to us…then we will naturally be open to what shows up and get to make effective choices.

Are you really open to receiving from others? Are you open to getting on with your life at the level that is available? Are you willing to have what you want?

Giving is not better than receiving. They’re both equally necessary. If you won’t receive, one day you’ll have less to give. Keep the circle flowing. Receive.

You can say “no” as the people above did and keep missing out. Or you can say “yes”.

And just to be clear, the “yes” isn’t to someone else, it is to YOURSELF.

Are you Open to Receiving?
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