Work With Me

Select private sessions for your most immediate questions or request a consultation to discuss working together on bigger and higher visions.

One Private Coaching Session

* September 1-15 Special Offer

Book a one time session where you'll receive undivided confidential attention on a challenge you are currently working with. You'll receive a questionnaire to outline your request. The call will be conducted online within 24-72 hours depending on availability. This is best used to:

  • have a sounding board to reflect back your deeper knowing to gain clarity
  • experience an energetic alignment along with specific recommendations for actions
  • untangle the mind from its questions and return to your power

Experience a shift in your energy, attitude and ability to take new action.

3 Coaching Sessions Package

* September 1-15 Special Offer

Book 3 sessions to work through a challenge, shift into empowerment, and move into momentum. You'll receive a questionnaire to define your desire. The series will be conducted online over 2-3 weeks with email access in between each 50 min session. This is best used to:

  • go through a precise process to move towards your desired end result
  • experience an energetic alignment so your attention becomes laser focused
  • receive specific recommendations for actions to take
  • answer questions that have been hindering results
  • accelerate your progress with expert guidance and support

Experience a significant shift through a high level of guidance and support that collapses the time it would take on your own. Be prepared to be fully present throughout this journey and take actions, whether internal or external, for maximum impact.

Day Intensives, 3 month packages, 6 month packages

For a higher and deeper level of work together where you will alter your path towards a bigger vision, a consultation is required to ensure a good match. You will be sent a questionnaire to complete and a free session will be booked to define your needs, recommend the ideal package, and discuss details.