Total Life and Business Transformation

Sold Business for Over 6x the Expected Price, Reduced Stress and Anxiety

“The process is transformative. My anxiety level went from being 9/10 to 4/10 within the first few weeks of coaching after being stressed for years. I was  finally able to make a major decision in my business with clarity after months of confusion and found the ideal buyers for my business within 48 hours of the decision without any trying. ”

From $125/hr Consulting to $20k Package Offer in Niche Field

"I noticed, after starting work with you, a new, faster and better feeling momentum. Before I was super stuck and stagnant, now, I am lighter. 

I’m ready to grow a company. I can do 10x growth. It all boils down to building and growing something that is innovative and makes the world a better place.  I have a vision that other people don’t have. Thank you so much for your specific + speedy feedback. VERY much what I needed. I have this feeling like I just gave birth. It’s kind of crazy really."

E.T,. Consultant, USA (former Personal Chef to Steve Jobs)

Gained Long-term Vision and Raised Standards for Success with Multiple Businesses towards a multiple 6-7 figure Revenue Goal

"I used to worry and have uncertainty about where money would come from, or that it would be difficult. There was fear about having to do things a certain way. I felt chained to what was bringing money in and not knowing if I can generate that in a different way consistently. NOW, I realize that money can come and grow in different ways.

I can let go and not be burdened that something was lost, because I can create more. I can create a bigger vision even if it takes a year or few and not be tethered down by other people's ideas or actions. It's freeing. I don't feel stuck anymore. I have clarity about the teams I want to work with now. My standards are clearer and higher."

Received 3 Offers and Landed Ideal Job in 3 Weeks 

"The guidance made a real difference to me, 200%.

I cannot even express all the ways it helped me. It opened my mind to what’s possible. I see results in the new work I landed, which was better than I expected. There are positive changes in the way my family and colleagues now respond to me. My time with my kids is more quality time now, where before, I was always worrying about how much time I got to spend with them.”

- Jaspreet, Fashion Industry Management

Landed a $200k international consulting project within 48 hours

"Jasjit literally took me from my head to my heart and then to my gut."

"Jasjit is skilled at what she does. 

I felt safe to speak freely about myself. I knew that she was holding me accountable to my higher self. She is gentle but firm, as she guides you on what feels like a very natural path to birthing the next chapter. 

A weight has lifted. For anyone considering working with Jasjit, it would be very worthwhile to work with her. She holds the container for you to do what would likely take months and months in your own head, in a very short time.”

Landed Ideal Job with her Top Company of Choice with 1 Letter

"I felt as I was sitting in a mind cage, needed somebody to help me to find my path. Friends are not the right people so the solution was to work with somebody professional. I wanted support in:

Clarifying my vision and direction; clearing my mindset of fears, doubts, insecurities; staying focused after finding out about the path to go; supporting the steps through action and upgrading my skills.

After working on the points above in the coaching, I wrote to the top company I wanted to work with through Jasjit’s guidance (there was no official work offer) and got interviews with them right away. Then, they hired me!

Before the coaching I felt insecure about my skills, especially the soft ones. Now I have been hired because of my ability to deal with conflicts, not because I know the industry. The coaching helped a lot to develop confidence about the soft skills and the ability to rely on that confidence.  Coaching with Jasjit was the best investment I ever made."

Susanne Satzer, Travel & Tourism, British Columbia

Sold 1st Package Offer and Landed 4 Clients in a Month, after Zero for Two Years

“I am always blown away by Jasjit's deep wisdom, knowledge and the wonderful guidance I receive in the sessions and in-between. Just to be in her presence really lifts me up and my successes speak for themselves.

Just within a month of coaching with her I had 4 NEW clients and one of them signed up for a high-level package. I was at zero in the beginning.

I also 'manifested' the nanny (I'd been looking after a long time!) - which gives me the time and space to actually work with more clients. There is a lot unfolding - and I believe that it was the combination of someone holding space for me to develop myself as well as me actually doing the work and being available that made the difference.

What's really important for me is the "high touch" and very personalized effect: Jasjit has a lot of experience and guides you effortlessly even through challenging situations and processes.

She intuitively knows when focusing on a lighter topic is needed and when to be a bit more direct and clear to achieve the best results for yourself. I highly recommend working with her."

Landed 4 Meetings in NYC and Offered Projects

Living in Vancouver, earning a great salary in a secure job, and having a good lifestyle wasn't enough, as great as it was. The idea of it being the rest of her life didn't sit right. We uncovered her true desires. I then guided Krisztina to plan a trip to NYC instead of just taking a holiday. Through targeted networking, she was able to set up meetings. The result? Multiple offers with the question, "How do we pay you?" That led her to confidently say goodbye to her job and move forward to carve out a new future. Some major shifts occurred in her personal life too with a move to a far better home and neighbourhood, and her partner starting a successful business to fulfill his own vision.

"I continue to feel increasingly empowered to make change in my life and that I CAN do what I wanted to. That I CAN find a way. It is exhilarating. POSITIVELY exhilarating. The balance is shifting. I can feel it. It's wild."

"I don't remember who I was and I don't want to...that's how powerful your coaching was!"

Kristen came to me after a long illness, partially triggered by high stress and anxiety. As a high performer, she always had done well, but the pressures of a heavy workload and her own expectations and ways of thinking about it had her crumble. Realizing that change was critical, she eagerly signed on with full commitment. Within mere weeks, things began shifting. She was able to let go of so much that would weigh on her before. She became happier, lighter and more trusting. Through the coaching, she also met her deadlines, excelled on projects, and travelled overseas for her work. New experiences would manifest soon after we clarified her true desires. She began connecting with others and even finding people coming to her for guidance, something that had never happened before. She transformed from the inside out.

"It's amazing how a couple of months could change life so much! I used to think pessimistically and suffered from anxiety and stress. I now can let go and don't feel that stress anymore! My energy is better and more positive. Things are happening naturally now. My confidence is back. I don't remember who I was and I don't want to...that's how powerful your coaching was!"

Kristen, Architecture, Los Angeles


"My whole being swept into a massive identity shift."

Norma was able to fulfill her long held dream of leaving her part-time jobs and starting her own therapy practice, landing a contract and clients right away. This also made way for her artistic passions and she held her first solo exhibit soon after. Norma was also able to take trips that meant a lot to her as her time became hers. Her inner shifts were matched by a shift in her physical reality.

"I want to do things. It's been so long since I felt that. It's the joy, the passion, the engagement, purpose and sense of meaning that hasn't been there for years. I really felt disintegrated when we started, disorganized like my cells were confused or in the process of realigning.  My whole being swept into  a massive shift of identity, along with my physical healing."

If you know you're ready to bring forth the changes you want, request a free consultation.




(c) Joi Works, 2020