Myriad snippets of thoughts and ideas are moving through my brain and so this post is going to offer two of them.

There are days I love being on the computer, reading, writing, responding to communication. On those days, I enjoy being glued to my chair. Fortunately my body alerts me to the tension created from sitting for long periods. So the other day, I got up and stretched and rolled around on my carpet. Boy, did that feel amazing! In that moment, I couldn’t believe that I’d sat for so long. As I stretched my body, my breath flowed, energy returned, aliveness was present. I know that the physical stretching creates mental alertness and ‘stretches’ my mind beyond whatever borders it’s recently created. Try it a few minutes each day and discover a heightened energy and focus. Having stiffness can be a direct cause of lack of stretching, rolling, turning, twisting, (all of which we practice in Nia by the way to keep our bodies both strong and supple). And let me know about your experience!
International Women’s Day
What is it to be a woman today? Well, there’s far more freedom of expression and being then there was in the past, at least in many parts of the world, although not all. Being able to write publicly is something that wasn’t possible in the past. There were many women who wrote secretly or under a man’s name, whether it was journalling or fiction or whatever else was important to them. Their voice was not considered necessary, mature, or welcome. So to all women who fought the fight, thank you. It is a true blessing to be able to write, to express, to be seen and heard. Did you know that the publishing industry has women to thank for keeping it so alive today? Funny given that women weren’t welcome for so long. Apparently, if women stopped reading, the industry would collapse.
I love that picture of the tiger. Do you mind sharing which National Geographic publication that picture appeared in? I collect tiger pictures, poems, stuffed animals, paintings, stories, and books, etc… as somehow I feel strongly connected to that magnificant animal. Thanks for sharing.
July 4, 2010, online. Indian tiger.