While I enjoy being near an ocean, the roar and jubilance of the waves in Hawaii is magnificent. The island is alive and it makes it presence known. My desire to return to the Big Island was in part due to its constant display of power, a reminder of the insignificance of so much that can occupy my mind. It’s difficult to hold a weak or meaningless thought when you can feel the primal earth around you and under you. The colours, sounds, scents, and ever-changing terrain demand attention. The exotic flowers growing everywhere expect to be noticed. The birds love singing their song. And the volcano flows its lava.
My most calming experience, in heart and mind, was watching the giant sea turtles wading in the waves. I felt that sitting there for a few days would have alleviated all tension and returned me to my heart and soul’s gentle whispers. Alas, this realization only came near the end of my trip!
There were two sea turtles who hung out at my favourite morning spot. Talk about going with the flow…they just seem to waft in and up with the water. They knew they couldn’t be in charge (the waves being not so gentle), so their bodies were tossed about. They showed no resistance, only harmony. Occasionally a flipper would pop out when they needed to regain their balance. And when they’d had enough, they could go inside their shells for time alone, to focus within while the life without did its own thing. This level of peace was truly humbling.
I remind myself that I have the joy of returning to these friends in my memory. Watching them move as they do is a sensation I can feel and all I need to do is close my eyes.
The strangest part of coming home is being indoors so much. Living, eating, and being outdoors in beautiful weather is a true luxury. Such an experience changes us. We are positively weathered by the sun and wind and cannot hold onto the stuff that seems to stick to us through city life. A realness emerges. Food tastes better. Sleep comes more easily at night. And we breathe freely, no longer contained but open to the world. Thank you Hawaii. What an incredible jewel, not too too far from home.