The only thing I enjoy about marketing is the creativity involved. But like statistics, it can make anything look true even when it’s ridiculous. Fashion-wise, I think the idea of spending a fortune on a designer bag is crazy. But this idea has sold millions of designer bags and made women feel like they are therefore fashionable. No, they are not.
Unless you wear the bag across your chest everywhere you go, and even then, I am not sure how it can ever make up for a wardrobe that lacks style. The lie that has been sold is that spending a few hundred dollars on a designer bag allows you to avoid buying new clothes for a few seasons. Now, I can understand that many women feel insecure about their ability to dress well or feel they lack a desired body shape, and so they may feel that such a bag can come to their rescue and create fashion and status.
Unfortunately, if you’re style is currently bland, outdated, or ill-fitted, no designer bag is going to change your image. Instead it’ll draw attention to the difference between what you are carrying and what you are actually wearing. What you can do is learn to dress in a way that really does you good. It is actually easy once you know how and boy, will you feel confident and relaxed like you want to!
Having said all this, I believe such a bag is worth the investment once you have a wardrobe that is already doing a lot of good for you. Then such an accessory will complete the look. You must start with the clothing first though! Imagine having a house where the colours are all wrong, and the furniture the wrong size/shape fixed up with one piece of beautiful artwork. People will be confused. They will be drawn to what is wrong because there is something right there too. It will be incongruent. That is not beauty or harmony expressed. It creates a feeling of being ill at ease.
So get your wardrobe in order, be willing to learn a few tricks, and wear a simple quality handbag that can also carry your stuff in the meantime. Once you have your style working for you, then, yes go ahead and get that designer bag and it will look great as a package!