Taking you to the next level

…by way of Wardrobe.

How do you get ready for taking your life to the ‘Next Level’? By that I mean a time when you feel you’ve done all that you can do and you are now ready for more, or for something new. This may be a new job, career, path, stage of life, personal journey.

No surprise…I first begin to imagine how I would dress for this new ‘part’.  (I like starting with the fun part, makes the rest of the challenges more worthwhile to tackle.)  If I have the clothes, the rest seems to follow! It’s like being an actor and putting on the costume, getting into the role.  For no matter how real life may seem, much of it is like a game or a play when you look at it (“All the world’s a stage.”  Shakespeare).  Once the clothing is donned, the body language often follows. Think about how you feel in sweats, in a business suit, in heels, in runners, and so on. You likely change your behaviour to match.

As always, this is a starting point, not everything. For me, it represents something being taken seriously, with honour and recognition.

What about you?  Have clothes helped you move forward?  Or are there situations when you didn’t dress accordingly and felt it held you back?

Taking you to the next level
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