The Power of Meeting Icons
There’s something about meeting iconic people that has the power to stick with you when you let it. It’s as if their ability to channel that ‘star’ power oozes onto you. It reminds you of your own dreams and values
Vision to Reality
There’s something about meeting iconic people that has the power to stick with you when you let it. It’s as if their ability to channel that ‘star’ power oozes onto you. It reminds you of your own dreams and values
There’s something about meeting iconic people that has the power to stick with you when you let it. It’s as if their ability to channel that ‘star’ power oozes onto you. It reminds you of your own dreams and values
The other day I read a special report (paid marketing feature) by American Express in the National Post. It stated that “more Canadians are rethinking what life is all about and finding ways to enrich their lives through meaningful experiences.