Rewire Yourself: Improve your Performance

Is it Time for an Upgrade of You?

I recently updated my Mac’s operating system and began to reflect on how the language of computers matches the world of self-growth in so many ways! I prefer natural metaphors, but the similarity was astounding and uncanny. Here are examples.

(A) Accessories – You can add apps and games to your devices for entertainment. This is like reading self-help books, feel good blogs, free seminars. All interesting, enjoyable, informative. But, real change is not on the menu even though it is often promised.


(B) A New Program – Maybe you buy a program to make movies or do graphic design. It’s for a specific purpose that will enable you to create something new. It’s like my one-day private Intensive (equal to a month’s work) that will help you dig through to your vision and create a plan with new tools to expand your thinking and approach. Rewiring begins.


(C) Software Upgrade – This helped my computer run better and be up-to-date with the changes in the programs/browsers/etc I use day to day.

I liken it to my 90 day private coaching. It shifts the way you approach life and work so you can be far more effective, efficient, release stress and allow you to access more joy day-to-day. This may mean getting rid of ‘bugs’ (old approaches) that stall progress, and give you new tools to operate effectively and experience far more inspiration and clear thinking. Inner static wastes energy. What you’ll be capable of as a result of all this is why people sign up.

It’s perfect for those who generally like their life, but know it’s become stale, uninspiring, far too busy, frustrating, or doesn’t feel alive and powerful and is on constant repeat of the same old. New pathways and actions will be created to shift this through commitment and guidance.


(D) Change the Hardware! – Having the same computer for up to 6-7 years is stretching it these days for many people. Usually a whole new computer is the best investment. It updates the software and is significantly more powerful and efficient, allowing you to do things you could not do with the old one.

I liken this to people who want a major change because it’s TIME, or their soul keeps knocking, or inspiration has struck, or life is beckoning for a better platform. Or they secretly know they’re more powerful than they’ve been pretending to be and they’ve gotten really bored of playing that sad tune on the violin.

These are the go-getters (whether they think they are or not), the ambitious, the ones who like results, the ones who know that life can get better and will through new ideas and clear action. They see life as available to them. They know life expands because it’s meant. They know their dreams are planted inside of them for a reason – and that is to LIVE. They don’t fear risk, because it is part of the equation. They’re willing to change their life if that’s what it’ll take. They know the secret sauce is within.

We’re talking about something much deeper. It is a new WAY of BEING in the world. These are completely new experiences that will not use the same set of skills, thoughts, beliefs as your previous path. A “hardware upgrade” is required. These include my clients who are shifting careers, starting/growing businesses, powerfully changing lifestyles, bringing creative projects to fruition, and on a path to holistic success.

It takes 6,9, or 12 months to really go for this in a steady manner, with a strong foundation, and maintain a level of growth and excitement needed to fuel it. It’s going for the real deal of transformation. Private attention, guidance, and empowerment.

Take Yourself to your Next Upgrade

Contact me to request a free consultation to determine where you’re at and how you could move forward to get and create what you want. The conversation promises to be enlightening.

Most people use a fraction of their abilities in life, a fraction of their brain power. Their energy is constantly held back. Why not be different? Unleash it.

Rewire Yourself: Improve your Performance
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