It is such a potent experience to allow ourselves to view our year and come to acceptance of it, all of it. That may feel impossible for some. Yet, just like we choose movies with a plot, a sense of surprise, a wondering on what’s about to happen next – we humans create such lives for ourselves, whether in awareness or not. Pausing in peace and trusting that there is a grand scheme beyond our understanding can go a long way in creating inner peace. And if you’ve had a great year, I hope you can celebrate and appreciate your joy.
So allow yourself to step back and admire all that you’ve gone through and pat yourself on the back. You’ve done well. You’ve likely done far more than well I suspect. And if something really bothers you, you can forgive yourself or anyone concerned. Miracles happen when we do.
Let it go. Take only the love, the joy, the power of desire with you.
There is a new chapter or phase about to begin. You are fully needed there.