January is a great time to sift through your closet and see what needs to be thrown away and what needs to be bought as we proceed through the next months of winter. Perhaps you received some gifts of clothing over the holiday season and need to prune your closet so you can fit them in? Or better yet, it’s a new year and you’ve decided it’s time for a new look and feel both inside and out!
Whatever your motivation, I highly recommend doing a wardrobe check-up about three times a year and January is perfect.
A recent client had me work on her wardrobe cleanse and a personal shopping trip. She had planned to sort out her own closet but quickly realized that it was difficult for her to know what to throw out and what to keep. That’s a key reason why people hire professionals to come in and help.
I’ve said before that clothing carries our energy and when our closets aren’t organized and carrying the clothes that really suit and flatter us, they can feel quite heavy or draining as we open them. Working with Julie Ann was a pleasure because she was really willing to open up to something better and let go of what wasn’t working. I had to laugh as she smiled in the greatest delight every time I told her to throw something out. In fact, her exact words in those moments were, “I love you! I love you!”. Now that’s someone whose open to change and feeling good!
A style questionnaire and the wardrobe cleanse informed my pre-shopping research to find clothes that would do her far more justice than her old wardrobe and stay within her budget. She kindly agreed to let me post some before/after photos. Everytime I’ve seen her since, she’s been beaming and telling me how wonderful she feels with a wardrobe that fits and flatters and is so comfortable. She also realized that going to outlet stores isn’t always worth it. She constantly gets compliments now and people have really noticed how her new looks brings out her best.

I love seeing people develop confidence and joy in who they really are. If we have but this life to be who we are now, doesn’t it deserve us being our best and loving it? Dressing well can change the most mundane or difficult activity into one that has positive energy because we choose to show up and express ourselves in and through it.
Shying away from expressing your true self is shying away from life itself. While it can appear scary and overwhelming at times, it’s still better to dress for the occasion! You just might find yourself standing there with courage, audacity, joy, and power.
Thanks Laura! I was thankful that Julie Ann let me share some before pics to show the change she went through.