Listen to the Pull of Inspiration

It was an afternoon of frustration, you know, the kind when as a creator you just can’t get what you want out.

It is a special kind of agony.

I tried different things, but to no avail. I wondered what next, what could I do this evening to remedy things, to make the day “productive” yet?? – that measure we use to determine a day’s worth far too often.

Then a friend happened to call, inviting me for a short walk so she could pick up a refill of her fancy coffee. Not being much of a coffee drinker, I created the condition that as long as we could also pop in to look at pretty clothes, I’d go. She agreed.

The escalator leading up from where we were took us straight to the designer floor.

It was like walking into a dream.

My whole body sighed in total bliss, seeing the beauty of the wearable art facing me in all directions. I could’ve melted right there and then.

God had heard my pleas to find my way out of that afternoon of inner turmoil. I don’t know how many times I said, “Thank You” under my breath.

And simultaneously a song came on, from the band to whom I will remain forever loyal as they so skillfully projected my fantasies of what I considered a beautiful life at a time when life felt dull.

Fashion and music…my holy grail. {The night before I’d heard a speaker recommend going in search of your grail when feeling lost or confused. I didn’t give it much thought, I was so removed from that at the time.}

But here I was now, having been magically led to the exact ingredients that could affect me in the way only they do. An exquisite beauty.



Jasjit Rai guides people to live lives of joy while growing successful businesses, by tapping into their self-expression and deeper purpose. Her ability and willingness to follow her inspirations has led to many a magical moment where her breath is taken away by awe and wonder.

Listen to the Pull of Inspiration

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