Lesson 5: Expansion is Life
When you tune into your essence, your gifts, your vision, you see very quickly how they wants to have a voice. They’re meant to guide your life. They need to be seen, felt, and heard from the smallest of ways to the most impactful ways you contribute to life. They seek to expand you and others. That is nature’s path and as humans we are intrinsically linked to this desire to grow.
This lesson is simple yet profound. If you use it for all decision, you will find your way. Ask, “Does this feel expansive? Will it increase my life in a good way?” Then ensure that it won’t take away anything good or important, or cause anyone harm. And finally, check in and see, “Who do I need to be to allow myself to expand in this way?”
Then do your best to say “yes” to the direction of the expansion. I used this in subtle matters this year and noticed how freely I breathed when I listed to this voice, instead of doing what I thought I should, what I thought is expected or reasonable, what I feared others may think. It’s starts with the smaller things and shows up eventually in the bigger – your dreams. And this is when the net begins to appear.