The “Just do it” campaign is genius. Do you use it? While I believe much lies in our “being”, doing is a part of what makes life the most fun, engaging and adventurous.
A little while ago, I caught myself thinking too much and doing too little. I can be the reflective sort. Admittedly, I love this part of me, which is why I let it have its way so often! Since I was a kid, though, I’ve admired the ‘doing person’… the kind that doesn’t feel a need to stop and think before almost everything, and goes for the impulse. You know those people, their life force is palpable. I’m mesmerized by them and wonder why they don’t have filters to stop them or slow them down long enough to have to think about their actions and the umpteen possible consequences, like I do.
Ok, I’m glamourizing this way of living and there are some cons to it – usually in the consequences. It’s feels like such an honest way of living though! And they can win big too! They allow for “mistakes” instead of just worrying about the ones created by the mind. As an adult, I’ve learned to allow for more mistakes – they’re necessary to create success! And so I’ve learned to make more and they’re not so bad when I look back at ’em. I can even smile at some.
Through action, we learn what we couldn’t without it. Staying in the head keeps it intellectual. Often, evidence is needed to make a real choice. That’s the gift of action. Things can get much clearer. And you get closer to what you want and can truly let go of what you don’t want.
Thinking can be heavy while the doing lightens things up. What do you need to just do next? Is it your art, growing a business, looking for a better job, finding a relationship, taking a vacation, deepening your friendships, doing your gardening…? If you have my calamity, don’t think about it, just do something in that direction…and more will be revealed, just like reading a mystery.
What is the next action you can take? Choose a 5 minute one. Take it. Then what? Take another step later. All along the way, you’ll gather the information you need to make your choices and move you forward. Sometimes we do need more information, but we can’t know until action is part of the picture. This suggestion can be found in any motivational book. You’ll feel the difference when you begin to use it. I bring this reminder up now and it helps me immensely.
In fact, I feel like I’ve handled some rather important things lately (making a notable work request, family stuff, taking another key step towards my real dreams, celebrating my birthday – yep that’s big too). My mind couldn’t hold them all at the same time (remember, thinking can be heavy). So I had to take one step at a time, dealing with each as it came. One step in front of the other. No looking ahead. Not trying to be perfect. Just being here now and doing what I can – or need – or choose to do with what is. Its worked wonders.
I’ve still got more important things on the list yet, but now I feel I have the tools to handle them – just do one thing at a time, rest or play for a bit, and go again. Action is the juice that keeps us going, motivates and rewards us. It adds energy and builds momentum. It reminds us that things aren’t always as hard as we make them out to be. Without action, we’re only flying our dreams though the air. Creating the foundation can be incredibly pleasing.
Just do it. Remind yourself, “It’s my life“. Stop thinking about everyone but yourself. Or, maybe you need to begin thinking about the world and stop thinking about yourself. Shake off the thoughts. Stand up. Smile bravely at the fear. Take one step today. Life is what you make it. Begin making. If you already are, move it one step closer to your vision. Being human, we all need this reminder, “Yes, what I really want is important“.
So true, have recently “just done” a few things myself – when you really commit and open yourself to a certain course of action, take the leap of faith, the path appears under your feet. Not always to where you thought it would go, but then again, the universe works in mysterious ways – if it didn’t, where would the fun and challenge in living be?