The best wardrobe piece is feeling great in your skin. Confident, sexy people are not necessarily the most beautiful in traditional terms, but they do love their bodies. With that love, the body can be dressed to bring that great feeling out. Now the truth is that most people aren’t so comfortable in their skin and that’s ok. That can be worked on.
In my experience, the Nia movement and fitness practice is one of the best ways to have you love your body and life. While some students arrive with physical goals, so much more happens in class that brings out their spirit. Once the spirit begins to dance, much more can happen on the physical level too. Bodies begin to change, to strengthen, to tone, to become more flexible, relaxed and sensual. This juiciness is an excellent step towards finding a wardrobe that fits well and makes you feel your best. A glowing face is always about what is on the inside. I happen to think it’s extra beautiful when the outside packaging matches the inside. Dressing well shows a self-love, a care for beauty, respect for places and events. Dressing well can bring dignity and honour. It can help you step into and become any role that is important to you.
People work hard to transform themselves on the inside. My suggestion is that they follow it up on the outside too. And it will reflect back to bring great comfort in their own skin. Put on something that makes you look and feel great tonight and notice what happens.