All thoughts, ideas, visions that we put out turn into results – especially when we do these with a natural spontaneity – which first means being clued into our desires. As children, this is often easy since we don’t censor our desires as much.
As adults, many of us begin to rationalize even before the desire has a chance to get out! I see this all the time with my potential clients when they are struggling to move forward: “I’d love to…but that doesn’t make sense….”, “Of course I’d prefer, but…”, “I don’t have the time…”, “I don’t have the money…”, and the all-time winner, “I’d love to, but I can’t” – simple ‘no’, not to me, but to themselves.
The desire barely gets any air time! It’s immediately pushed away like some deep dark secret, the “no, I couldn’t, really I couldn’t, could I?“, dripping of the guilt of having what they really want.
The simple acknowledgement, of a joy I had, turned into natural action.
Let me share an example of a vision of mine that has come true in a year without me trying to make it happen directly. It came as enthusiasm and fondness of an experience I once had. I let myself reminisce about it, enjoy the thought, remember what it meant to me. And without consciously working towards it, I ended up naturally making choices and taking actions that led directly to it.
One year ago, I sent out an article to my e-list, called “A Bullet Train to Joy”. It was about walking through fear and I gave the metaphor of travelling on the Eurostar, which to me is a far more relaxed way of travelling between London & Paris than travelling through the airports which can be exhausting in comparison. Little did I know that I’d be back on the train less than a year.
As I stood on the platform looking into the beauty of the Paris Gare du Nord train station, my mind flashed back to my article and I was stunned that I had materialized the desire to travel on the Eurostar without specific effort. Of course, there were other choices I made that took me beyond my comfort zone to achieve bigger things I desire (joining a challenging coaching certification program, investing in a business mastermind, taking myself to Europe). Naturally though, my choices included things I loved.
That’s what I notice most about the dreams of mine that have come true. They have showed up quite innocently in my mind and ended up a part of my life. In other words, the desire was pure and then I went about my life, making choices, taking actions, and always remembering things I love because they give me juice.
It is essential to clearly see and hear your desire. Don’t put it away. Don’t waste time coming up with reasons why it can’t be when you can use the same energy to ask “how can I?“. Don’t rationalize away something that has arrived beautifully in your mind and heart. Many people need to work with others to hear themselves – or they will just ‘eat’ their own words before they can come out.
And the word ‘desire’ is key. Desire brings about feelings, and feelings bring power to your action.
On the flip side, there are things I think I want, but when people question me about them, I don’t feel anything. That’s a clue that they are only mental constructs, things I think I “should” want, not what is true.
What is calling out to you these days? What elicits less or more feeling? What causes stress, anxiety, sadness (a move away from truth)? What brings out love, joy, delight, affection, excitement, enthusiasm (a move towards truth)?
Notice what resides in your heart and what resides only in your mind. Find your true desires this moment. Feel with your heart (the joy will bubble to the surface naturally, unless you’re pushing it out) and let your mind create the result, not define it.
If you are one to hide your feelings or push them away and ignore your truth, then give me a call. I will help you get back on track. The cost is too high to live life by “shoulds and oughts”!
How do you know which one you are living by? Your current feelings about your life will tell you in no uncertain terms. And I don’t mean, “my life is actually good, I shouldn’t be complaining…” That’s another one of those self-abandoning techniques that insidiously keeps people away from the raw truth.
To book a complimentary and private Discovery Call with me – to discover your truth and realize how to make it happen – send me a direct email to info@joiworks.com right now with 3 time/days that work for you, and we’ll get you booked in within record time. (please note the time zone and tell me what you want for yourself.)