The Power of Meeting Icons
There’s something about meeting iconic people that has the power to stick with you when you let it. It’s as if their ability to channel that ‘star’ power oozes onto you. It reminds you of your own dreams and values
Vision to Reality
There’s something about meeting iconic people that has the power to stick with you when you let it. It’s as if their ability to channel that ‘star’ power oozes onto you. It reminds you of your own dreams and values
In a recent post I discussed thinking differently. A part of that is taking action and doing different things and I’d like to share some of what I’ve been up to. First was a Nia adventure. I was asked to
I recently met with Ebra Ziron, a designer and artist, as well as manager at Maiwa on Granville Island at her lovely home. While the outside view of English Bay is stunning from the living room balcony, it was wonderful to