The Need to Create
Recognizing your need to create could be the one thing that opens your life up and gives you the energy you crave. I believe there would be far fewer depressed people, if more took the time to find a mode
Vision to Reality
Recognizing your need to create could be the one thing that opens your life up and gives you the energy you crave. I believe there would be far fewer depressed people, if more took the time to find a mode
Having four seasons creates distinct times in the year that allow access to certain kinds of energy. Summer can be a happy-go-lucky, see what comes, just hangin’ out kind of time. You may have scheduled holidays or it could be
How often do you focus on problems? Hours, days, and even years of consideration or attempts at fixing may be the outcome, usually with far less progress than desired. In workplaces, I’ve seen simple tasks take on giant lives and