Are you wanted or needed by the people around you or those you seek to be with? When I first heard it, it sent a jolt of awareness through me. It shifted my perception. I was thinking about my business, but also saw how relevant it is to life in general. I’ll share my business example and then ask you to reflect within your life. ~~~ When I tell people what I do, many say how much my work is needed. I agree. There’s a world full of people who have a need to change careers, grow their business, find true joy, be fit and healthy in order to express their full selves. But they won’t. They just won’t. And I’ve had to learn that I must let them be. It is tempting to cater to those who we feel need us. I could focus on coaching those who are miserable being employees and want to get out. Yet, most people in this situation will stay in this situation. I could focus on those who would greatly benefit from Nia because they are always in their head, stressed out, or working out unconsciously. Yet, many such people won’t choose conscious fitness. I could focus on urging those who need support growing their business idea, because it is essential that they learn quickly to be profitable and be in their genius. But most of these people are often afraid to invest – they don’t see the cost of doing it alone. And again, I must let them be. Now there IS a group of people who do WANT what I offer and see its value. They don’t need to be convinced. They show up, they invest, they ask questions, they invite help. These folk desire what I offer, they feel excited by the realization that they can change things, that want to learn and grow, they find it a giant relief that there is someone who can help them, who has been where they are, and done the inner and outer work. They are a match. They’re the ones who are fun to work with. Their hearts and minds are open, which allows love to flow – and love is an essential ingredient in transformation. ~~~ So, when it comes to your employer, your clients, your friendships, your partner, your family – who WANTS you, the complete you? And who will show up because they want you? And who simply needs you or wants you to need them? Take a look. And choose to be where you are wanted. It makes all the difference. |
Being Wanted vs Needed