Going Past Old Limits

french shutters circle

When you feel contracted, limited, not sure where to go or what to do next to create the change you really want…


-> This is the exact moment where you’re bumping up against your past limits and old ways of thinking.


When you *SEE this*, you’ll know to move through and keep going forward/up instead of reverting back to unconscious default patterns or acting against your own vision & true desires. {hint: this could be a totally unrelated move as much as it could be a linear next step}


It’s often a time where expanded thinking is required…coupled with *feeling your way through* (what most people avoid, and it’s what makes all the difference). Of course you must know that you can trust your feelings to tell you what’s really going on within.


Here, the magnet of your vision must be *present* so that a tension can be felt (e.g. dissatisfaction/desire) and pull you through to the other side. (Feminine+Masculine energies)


Without the magnet of a true inner burning desire (vs. false ego desires such as the “millions & mansions”), what happens is people stay in muddled thinking or unresolved feeling states which disempower them.


I love the ART of guiding someone through this, but it’s also fun that there is a SCIENCE behind it.


Positive tension is a KEY to creation. In that sweet spot, there’s no burnout, anger, giving up, or pushing upstream. It is pure creation.


It’s focused movement in a direction WHILE loving the journey…that’s where the real YOU comes out to play. It’s where you get to HAVE a LIFE with a business that achieves. You get to be in the centre. This requires intention + the ‘tools’ + intuitive awareness that can guide you to stay on path. 


I show and guide people how to do this in a way that feels incredibly natural and freeing vs. forced and pushing against who you are. (Often the desired change is so big that the fear is too easily felt and the pushing just creates more inner conflict & stress.)


On the other hand, when you build momentum in a ‘gentler’ yet highly purposeful way, doors open and things shift fast, and you’re actually ready for what you asked for! This is essential to achieving and keeping transformative results.


And with that…you’ve got a divine cocktail of creation.


Jasjit Rai is a Life & Success Coach, empowering individuals to create and live the visions they are in love with…leading to greater meaning, fulfillment and true success. Dare to expand your expression by being the real you and building momentum. https://joiworks.com

Going Past Old Limits

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