Success Stories Just Came In This Week

3 Success Stories – there they were coming in by email, text, and skype – take a look!

 Success in Montreal

Vanessa began working with me a couple of weeks ago. Opportunities were not coming through and she realized she could use coaching. This week she got a new contract at the place she wanted to work! But that’s not actually the best part.

She’s so glad she didn’t get the contract earlier. Why? Because even a few short weeks ago it would’ve looked like a lucky opportunity even though it’s a fraction of what she would really like. She would’ve expected to take things one small step at a time and wouldn’t have sought coaching. Instead we have un-earthed a truer desire for a project that’s been calling her but that she was unable to see on her own.

Since the project is more aligned with her, she feels energy and enthusiasm and people are stepping forward to link her to the right people. She has a direction in which she can put her efforts rather than doing a bit of this and a bit of that.

Of course the contract is a helpful piece, providing additional funds, and connecting her to a certain network. She said that without the project I’ve been coaching her in though, she would’ve felt disillusioned because she quickly saw that it’s not a complete fit on its own. Now she can do the contract while she builds what she really wants. (and quite frankly it’s a much needed service in the world!)

Success on the Gulf Islands

The second client  got her first-ever contract (she recently chose to go part-time in her job as she grows her vision). She is elated at getting the rate she desired and receiving a longer contract than expected where she can bring more of her skills to the table. When she had come to work with me, she was actually on medical leave so a lot of the work was around her self-care and creating a new vision that could also build the lifestyle she desired. Now, she’s moving along on all levels and it’s great to watch her own what she’s capable of.

Success in Los Angeles

Danny called me the other night to give me an update. We worked together in the summer and he’s been carrying out the steps I guided him to and getting all sorts of great connections – including actual dinners with people he wants to meet and work with. He’s in the creative field in a competitive industry and it’s all about connections. He told me he finally saw how the fears he held weren’t true at all and taking the right actions began to help him see his own ability and have his talents affirmed. 


It warms my heart to see people burst through old limiting beliefs, shift their self-image, and of course, experience real material results. It’s quite the journey. Often people look back and find their old view feels like a lifetime ago. Now, they are energizing, enthusiastic, and keeping up momentum.

If you desire to move forward on an important dream for your career or lifestyle, contact me for a free consultation and we’ll determine exactly what you need to do that.



Success Stories Just Came In This Week
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