Thinking Differently

Summer is a natural time to think differently.  First of all, the warm weather can make it difficult to sustain focus. This instinctive daydreaming is a gift, it forces your mind to wander.  Giving your mind a break is one of the best ways to refresh yourself and also to be here now rather than thinking ahead or obsessing about the past. This process also gets you away from habitual thinking which is where your mind hangs out the majority of the time, whether or not you are conscious of it. Most of us think the same thoughts over and over again. It may seem amazing that we keep ourselves entertained with such repetition, but the truth is that we’re usually not aware of what is going on. And when we think the same thoughts, we act in the same predictable ways getting the same results.

There was a great Seinfeld episode where the character, George, decided to do the opposite of whatever he usually does, feeling that his life had not turned out at all like he imagined. Check out the start of his journey.


By doing the opposite, his life and luck begin to change for the better and in dramatic ways. I love it. While it is a tv show, there was great truth in it. It showed how there was nothing ‘wrong’ with him as he usually assumed, but that he simply needed to approach things in a different way.  Now, how many of us would dare to enrol in such an experiment?  Worth considering!

Given that summertime already loosens any rigid approaches to life, why not use this energy to expand your life and open your mind to thinking differently?  Take a course, hire a coach, go on an unplanned adventure. Personally, I’m far more able to do this when in a course or working with others. I rarely have the discipline to change my own behaviour by myself over a length of time that will be effective. I guess that’s why I’ve always loved intensity in learning – it’s like travelling on a rocket instead of a bus. Reporting to others is always far more motivating than doing it for myself. Similarly, having conversations with others helps me hear what I’m really thinking or wanting. Ideas and actions make themselves known easily when reflected back by a conscious listener. The power of having someone in your court who sees you and is skilled to guide is what can turn things around without the resistance you’d have on your own.

So why not use the summer to wander from typical thoughts and repetitive actions to a world where you are present, alive, aware, clear, having fun, making real progress, and expanding your vision of who you thought you were (old ways of being and acting) to who you really are…which, by the way, is likely to be way more than you may realize.

Getting support is a giant way to fuel your desires. Doing it alone can too easily lead to self-sabatoge or a “one day I will” syndrome instead of living life fully right now.  I am offering a summer coaching special in the form of a “virtual camp” to inspire, and help you create momentum whether it be in your career, job search, wellness, creativity, wardrobe, self-expression, and inspired and soul-centred living. This is about living the life you keep knowing is possible (not just thinking about it).  Contact me for details,!

Thinking Differently

4 thoughts on “Thinking Differently

  • August 2, 2011 at 8:14 pm

    That Seinfeld clip is funny! Maybe I should try it – sounds like me 🙁
    Yes, change is hard. I remember having an issue with time, where I would start things (e.g. studying, laundry, etc…) on the hour, and if I missed that hour, I would wait for the next hour as it would be definitely too late (I know – a sign of obsessive compulsive behaviour). I changed this behaviour by taking off my watch and not paying attention to the location of the sun, so I had no way of telling what time it was – strange I know! Actually, I have on many occasions followed strange signs (i.e. events, conversations, coincidences…) thinking that I was receiving a message from some higher spirit, and phenomenal things have happened. I have a friend who does this with everything – everything is a sign to her, and she has a very odd life – a life that is completely scattered with no direction. Okay, I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but my mind seems to be rambling for no reason, so I shall stop. It must be the heat which is causing SADD (Seasonal Attention Deficit Disorder).

    • August 3, 2011 at 11:53 am

      Change is hardest when we think about it, the action is often far easier. Like taking off your watch easily shifted your behaviour. On our own, resistance sneaks in and it’s not always easy to notice its arrival. Thanks for commenting!

  • August 3, 2011 at 8:46 am

    Hey Jas,

    Loved this one! Summer…bring it on :o) Time for some fun and new adventures!



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