Have you Reached a Plateau in your Life or Work?


Plateaus are excellent spots to rest, enjoy the view, appreciate the moment, and catch your breath. They help honour where you’ve been, before you look at what’s next.

When I was young, my family took several trips by car down to California. It’s a long distance to say the least and my brother and I would rejoice at reaching a rest stop to stretch our legs, breathe in fresh air, eat, and simply appreciate the parks we landed in (pretty scenery always helps).

It was rarely fun getting back into the confines of a car. The hills in Oregon seemed to go on forever. But, it would be ridiculous to stay at the rest stop and forget the journey, as comfortable and enjoyable as it was, wouldn’t it?

We knew there was more fun to be had.

But that is what many people do in their journey through life. They get to a comfortable place or one that has become terribly familiar and don’t move. Then they put all their energy into making the best of a mediocre life experience, considering themselves responsible or noble.

Movement is a requirement for a life well lived. Challenge and change keep things fresh. When we don’t challenge ourselves, life usually gives us an unwanted kick to wake up.

What Kind of “Kick”?

The work that we thought was “ok” begins to get annoying. The holding onto money for a rainy day (and not buying something that has real value for us) creates the rainy day. The something or someone(s), that we put aside our dreams for, changes or leaves. We decide to focus on ourselves and another emergency shows up, putting our dreams in the backseat again. Ever have such a thing happen?

Fortunately our real dreams remain loyal. But we end up having to dig much deeper to get to them the longer we deny them or try and keep them small (which then costs more money, time, resources).

What is the plateau that you find yourself at? Or is it a fork in the road? Keep your eyes OPEN. Do not close them. Rest a moment if you need. Then gather your strength and begin dreaming again.

Be willing to make the choice. Be willing to dig in and discover what lights you up. Be willing to live your soul’s knowing.

Have you Reached a Plateau in your Life or Work?
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