Harness Your Power

Do you know how to harness your power? What brings it about? Answering this question can generate a lot of energy. And we all need our energy to do what we want to do.

Energy is required to speed up things, improve things, move through obstacles, release old patterns, change behaviours that don’t work, and create anew.

Most often, a lot of energy is used by people to remain where they are, like treading water. The energy is there but it is being used in a way that doesn’t create much movement, it simply uses the energy, often leading to depletion.

To change this, there is one key thing that you need which will attract your power like a magnet. This one thing is DIRECTION. Not any direction, but the one that is most meaningful to you.

Where are you going? What is the end result you desire?

It can be tangible in terms of material needs, and it can be intangible such as happiness, aliveness, meaningfulness and so on. In fact, the material needs are always about the feelings you’ll get as a result. But to go for feelings can be confusing for some people, so they find it easier to think in terms of physical desires or goals, something specific that ‘pulls’ them to surpass where they’ve already been.

Spending focused time on clarifying your direction will do wonders to determine what is next (it often takes care of the “how”), just as mindset is 90% of the answer to success.

My coaching intensives are aimed at that and that is why I begin all long-term coaching with them. Once we uncover where you really want to go, the rest is supporting you to stay on the path and have fun doing so.

When energy is not harnessed, it’s scattered and creates chaos and stress (a.k.a. busyness, exhaustion, confusion, same old, treading through life). The peace and strength you’ll feel by drawing it together instead is amazing and empowering.

Get in touch if you’re ready to explore how you can be supported in finding your real direction and go forward with clarity and the power available.

Harness Your Power
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