Graduating in Miami

I’m in Miami celebrating my recent graduation from a 12 month coaching and business development program! 50% completed it. Some opted out of certification using the experience for personal development only. Others weren’t able to complete in time. There’s something about completion that’s always been important to me even when the going gets tough. It builds incredible stamina.

The intensity of the program was high and it felt like a master’s degree, or as a fellow graduate said, a PhD. But, there was a notable difference. The learning had to be applied in a real world setting – in terms of business and of life. It wasn’t theoretical. No hypothetical case studies. The principles had to be put into practice and lived. We had to coach (actual and paying) clients to complete our hours, not free mock sessions. There was constant pressure and no breaks. We were tested.

Pressure on coal creates glittering diamonds.

Life Keeps Going

Life didn’t stop. The group at large faced births/babies, deaths of loved ones, marriages, divorces, love found/saved, illnesses, financial challenges/successes, and many internal fears and self-imposed limitations. Many tears were shed privately and publicly.

As I’ve expressed before, transformation isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for those that choose to go for what they want and are willing to face their b*#ls&t, instead of use it as an excuse to remain in a limited life and play “it’s ok, I’ll figure it out eventually”.

Wins and Challenges

I graduated. I travelled to 4 international cities for the live events and took time to vacation too.

I loved coaching every one of my clients, each from different cities. I learned new ways of sharing my message. I spent hour upon hour devouring powerful books and listening to audios/teleseminars every week of the year. I discovered my own level of geekiness as I conducted online seminars for the first time.

I learned that giving up is more exhausting than being persistent.

I certainly did not achieve all of my goals, but I’m totally excited about arriving there shortly! The energy of disappointment can be used to fire up desire. It’s called being a spiritual warrior.

Being Amid Your Tribe

It was good to be around those who have a deep desire to dive into human potential. It was good to be with people who understand the importance of success and wealth consciousness. And be with those who know it is healthy to do, have, and be what you love instead of reject it (a form of self-rejection).

My Own Emotional Challenges

I had a lot of negative emotions to move through – something I hadn’t experienced to this degree before, but I knew they were coming up to be cleared so I could perform at the level of coaching I desire. These came as a result of what we had to complete in our modules and through the living of life.A good coach doesn’t have to have lived your exact story to be of great help, but they do need to have gone through their stuff (not to be perfect but to know the human drama) so they’re walking their talk.

Privilege to Coach 

It is a privilege and joy to support another in the pursuit of their dreams. I celebrate every client success because I know what it takes to change and to surpass negative beliefs.

I hope you give yourself the chance one day when you need it, or are ready to come alive at a level that celebrates who you really are! It’s an experience like no other.

Make it a Gratifying 2015!

If you are longing to embark on a more powerful 2015 where you don’t keep putting life and total success off for yet another day, contact me and we’ll get you scheduled for a call to discuss coaching possibilities for you to create the life you want. I have a 2 spots left on Thursday/Friday this week.

Stand up for yourself, you are the only one to please and the rewards will be endless because that’s what happens when you keep saying “YES” to your truth.

Graduating in Miami
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