Face the Hidden Challenges in Change

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Recently, I decided to burst through a block and accomplish what my heart was set on. Feeling only neutral that day, I amped up my energy to what I preferred. Feeling the excitement, I was about to begin.

Then I received a message from a friend, news that was positive, something I’d happily wished for my friend. But for some reason, it triggered an old personal wound and my thoughts spiralled to the negative. I ended up in that state for hours! It wasn’t rational, but that didn’t change it. 

In the past, I wouldn’t have recognized that my mood and thoughts had just been sabotaged. But now, I was aware it was happening (a really good thing, because from awareness one can change). I wasn’t able to shift as fast as I would’ve liked as it hit a pretty big “hidden iceberg” within me.  But I have learned that when this happens, it means I’m really really close to what I want.

The subconscious mind works automatically and most of what’s there is hidden because it’s a part of our conditioning from early on. We hit this place every now and then, but it’s up to us whether we’ll let it stop us or not. This is hard to do when you’re not even aware of your hidden life habits.

This especially happens when we’re about to create a major positive change in our world, when we finally decide to face what’s in the way of our dreams and get past it, once and for all.

If you find yourself:

– making u-turns on something that you felt was important but are now giving up on
– knowing that a change is deeply desired but noticing you don’t take actions or stay consistent
– telling yourself that your dream must not be meant because you can’t figure it out on your own
– using excuses to explain why you’re not doing what you know or said you’d do
– experiencing life dramas in the midst of an important project, event, decision
– never getting past obstacles and returning to similar patterns
– feeling hopeless or frustrated when you think of this subject that’s important to you
– hitting an invisible glass ceiling

…then, trust me, your roadblocks aren’t of the logical kind. It’s going to take a different approach and you’ll have to want what you want badly enough to get it. Otherwise you’ll keep getting stopped and the evidence around you will make you think you’re not progressing. 

*Where this shows up typically: thinking you’re not meant for a relationship when you deeply want it, or thinking you might as well get a job when entrepreneurship makes your heart sing, or pain is normal because you’ve forgotten what wellness feels like, or thinking you won’t find a better job so might as well stick with the one you hate, or your art best remain a hobby, and on and on…

This won’t be fun at first – no one wants to have their weaknesses seen – until you catch what’s happening and stop taking it personally! Then, my dear friend, you’ll come to finally see that these moments are really gifts waiting for you to unwrap them and see them for what they are. They are not the ugly and frightful beasts of nightmares. They are the change that’s waiting for you.

Most of my clients come across this at one point or another. In fact, I’d say, this is what they’re paying me to help them solve. Some unconsciously hold on dearly to staying stuck (because it’s become a habit) and they have to learn to trust at a deeper level to get through. This is why I rarely sell short packages – the urge to quit when the going gets tough would lay all their hard work to waste.  

Doing this work alone is very difficult. That’s why one can read all the books in the world, listen to 100s of seminars, or go to exciting motivational retreats, and then have it all wear off or be undone within days, if not minutes. The challenges inherent in creating lasting change will hit at deeper parts of you and try to keep you in the same place until you open to the change that is asking you to evolve past your past.  

It’s essential to have reminders and people in place who can show you exactly what you are doing and what to do instead. That is a skill, a talent, and likely a result of years of experience.

Real change requires high-level support.  If it didn’t take that level of vigilance, everyone would do it. This is why I’ve had coaches, mastermind groups, and personal daily practices to stay on track. The bigger vision requires it. Plus, I treasure the expertise, the support, and the camaraderie.

As for my tough day, I had a meeting that evening (a weekly session) to help me reverse my energy state and come away with a newfound enthusiasm and energy. I made sure I returned home and took immediate action instead of putting it off till the next day. I was back on track. I will repeat this over and over again, until I get my results.

If there’s a mountain you haven’t been able to climb, and it’s deeply important to you, you’ll have to make a decision – are you willing to truly have what you want? How many distractions will you allow to get in your way before you see what’s happening? And will you do the work, especially when it’s not pretty?

Or will you go take a break or delay every time you hit a wall or worse, pretend it’s not that important? If so, it’s better to let it go and stop torturing yourself. You’re going to have to face up to what’s really happening. When you do, that’s when the big breakthroughs come (they DO come) and only then. 

This is what transformational coaching means. That’s why I rarely offer a package less than 3 months – it’s just not enough. Six months to a year (depending on the outcome you seek), week after week, is what will change your life and have you doing exactly what you set out to do.

Imagine the relief, the personal confidence, and the joy of arriving at this place.

Believe me when I say that the smile within your heart will make up for every difficult moment that you courageously stepped through to be in integrity with being and expressing the you that is you.

I have a couple of spots open for longer packages right now – spring being a perfect time – to help guide you through those bigger mountains into your dreams. Click below for a free consultation and I’ll help you see your next steps and determine how you will finally create the results you’ve been longing for. You will be fully supported, if you allow it, likely in a way that you’ve never felt before. 

There’s only 1 person standing between the real you and your dream – the old version of you.


Jasjit Rai is a certified Life and Success Coach, guiding people to live their dreams. She believes in the power of imagination, desire, and inspired action to build great visions and bring them to life. Joy, ease, and constantly opening to new perspectives add an energy of enthusiasm that her client find contagious. http://JoiWorks.com

Face the Hidden Challenges in Change

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