Allow Possibilities to Exist

A common challenge that clients come to me with is not knowing which direction to go. They have a number of desires, some which conflict with each other in the short term (clue: when you say you want something and think you’re clear but it’s not happening – there’s likely something lurking in the way that needs to be flushed out and replaced).

They get confused or overwhelmed with the possibilities that show up in their mind, all while trying to navigate how to live a “responsible” life (a.k.a. the need to make money or the desire to appear in control).

Having started Joi Works (Consulting) in 1999 with the intention of marrying business and soul AND simultaneously exploring my creative self and traveling to exciting cities…(talk about juggling)…I know this apparent conundrum inside and out!

Thank goodness I’m out of that long tunnel. How you ask? – mostly out of absolute persistence, curiousity, passion, a willingness to take risks, and consistent investment in my growth. In other words, a decision to arrive at my destination(s) and to do what it takes, in a way that feels good.

Presently, I’m taking an online course with the amazing Jean Houston. She said something that was so helpful to hear articulated. Last night she stated:

“Allow potentials to emerge without getting scared of them”.

Get it? When you open yourself to more of YOU, ideas and desires will begin to shoot forth. This can be overwhelming. It’s tempting to want to put a lid on them. This quote says – allow them to be, let them live, welcome them.

Write them down, take action as soon and as often as you can. No need to be scared. Like seeds, some will grow, others will be gestating, and some may not sprout at all. Recognizing the process is what will give you courage to take risks. Out of risks are born successes.

Create the Space

Energetically we must create space to house our fuller potential…expand our awareness of self to be larger than that which we usually access on a day to day basis.

My clients often thank me for the “container” I provide through my coaching packages that allows them to become who they desire and accomplish what they want – it helps them go beyond their limited view of self. It’s only through that where they’ll take new actions.

We all need someone to provide a larger “container” to hold us and our precious dreams until we can do it for ourselves.

Just like a parent knows the steps a young child will take in their life and helps prepare the child who cannot yet see or understand what’s ahead…coaching is a way this journey can take place with assurance.

Allow Possibilities to Exist
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